OUR story begins in 1967..

when the “Call to Resist Illegitimate Authority” was issued to support draft resistance in opposition to the war in Vietnam. Signed by over 20,000 people, the Call mobilized activists and academics across the country. And our story is far from over – from our inception, Resist has been rooted in movements for liberation led by the people. Today, Resist continues to fund hundreds of grassroots organizations across the US and US occupied territory, connected by a shared vision – that liberation is not only possible, that it is on its way.

And you, as a part of a community of over 8,000 donors nationwide have funded their work every step of the way. Every monthly and quarterly gift serves as a movement sustainer to the hundreds of grassroots organizations all across the country moving us towards justice and liberation.


[Image description: Members of grantee Dignidad Inmigrante at a rally carrying signs, included a large banner that reads: "Families together and free."]


In the US only 7% of grant-making dollars go to groups that are led by communities most impacted by systemic oppression.* At Resist, 100% of the funds we raise go towards grassroots groups that are resisting, reimagining, and building resilience in their communities and all across the country. We might not be able to outspend big philanthropy but with sustained and consistent funding efforts we can ensure that these communities have the resources they need to continue the fight against systemic oppression.



* Source: Rick Cohen, “Data Snapshot on Racial Justice Grantmaking,” Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity: Critical Issues 5 (June 2014): 38. 

Become a Resister

Resist is a foundation that supports people’s movements for justice and liberation. We redistribute resources back to frontline communities at the forefront of change while amplifying their stories of building a better world.